Wardley Mapping Workshop

What is it?

A one-day course that introduces participants to the process of mapping their business environment graphically, using the “Wardley Map” technique. This is used in both the public and private sectors to great effect, and is a prerequisite to undertake any of the further “Product Strategy” workshops with us. What outcome can I expect?

This is an in-depth workshop following the curriculum and structure of the book, “A Practical Introduction to Wardley Mapping”. Participants receive a paperback copy of this book in advance of the workshop. You will develop new skills or improve your existing skills in:

  • identifying and diagramming the customer journey, including key transactions;
  • developing “User Needs” mind maps of products and services;
  • drawing and understanding a “Wardley Map”;
  • performing functional strategic analysis.

Like all Product Reactor workshops, we draw on your actual products and marketplace to do this training – this is not based on examples or fictional companies. Therefore, participants go home with maps of their organization and products that they can put into use immediately.

What is the content of the workshop?

In the morning, we start with diagramming the user journey and identifying the transactions. This work will be split into groups no bigger than 4 (if there are more than four participants), and groups will be expected to compare their work against each other and engage in basic role-play. We then start analysis of user needs, using a variety of tools: diagramming using mind maps and other methods, and analysing customer psychology.

In the afternoon, we introduce Wardley Maps for those who are unfamiliar with them, and use the artefacts generated in the morning to start drawing maps. We then move onto the strategic analysis of the maps, and start using them to answer business questions.

We require the following commitments from participants and the sponsoring organization:

  • that they are able to commit the time to read “A Practical Introduction to Wardley Mapping” in advance of the workshop;
  • that they are able to bring with them information about their products and customers, and share that knowledge within the workshop.

What are the costs?

There are two rates, depending on the size of the group, plus an additional fee if Product Reactor is hosting the workshop:

  • Groups between 3 and 8 people: £1,200 + VAT, £400 supplement for hosting (includes a full lunch and beverages through the day)
  • Groups between 9 and 18 people: £2,000 + VAT, £600 supplement for hosting

All workshops include paperback copies of “A Practical Introduction to Wardley Mapping” for participants (approximate value £20), as well as exercise books and materials for the day.

Enquire about our Mapping Workshop